Skyhigh, Hong Kong 02. December 2011
BIT Teatergarasjen, Bergen 19. - 21. April 2012
BIT Teatergarasjen, Bergen 19. - 21. April 2012
Hong Kong performance created and performed by Jørgen Knudsen, Kjartan Andersen and Christine Weber, Bergen performance also by Susanne Irene Fjørtoft. Photos by Mr. Sun.
The Point of No Return utforsker historiske hendelser og strømninger. Vi sier på norsk at det aldri er for sent å snu, men noen ganger er det det. HGDC forsøker å sirkle inn dette punktet i en sammenveving av en av historiens største kriger og kinesisk mytologi, i den hensikt å tematisere og spille på forskjellige kulturelle aspekter ved den dype krisen, hvor man bare må videre og veien fram er mer eller mindre usynlig.
Memory is life,
Born by living societies founded in its name.
Because memory is not just an individual experience,
But also part of the collective consciousness.
History, on the other hand,
Is the reconstruction,
Always problematic and incomplete,
Of what is no longer.
Its nice to be together
Especially during turning points
When things are upside down and
Future is just a blink ahead of us.
Life is about personal construction.
It is said that to live in happiness,
One has to live remotely.
It includes the ability to choose a community,
With a privileged access and some recognition.
At night, the workers education establishes
A counterpoint to their production activity.
The factory turns into a university.
A library and training courses for self-improvement.
Computer, English, economy, art, dance,
As each class room opens onto a possible future.
Let ́s think that tomorrow will be better!